22/01/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 13/09/75
World transformation is the special task of Brahmin life.
Today, the Father, the Creator of the world, is seeing the cooperative elevated souls who are world transformers. Just as the Father is instrumental in transforming the world, so too, do all of you move along whilst constantly considering yourselves to be instruments for this task? Do you constantly and permanently have the awareness that you have to bring about transformation? Those who transform the world, first of all, have to transform themselves. How can those who are not able to transform themselves in any particular aspect become instruments for the task of world transformation? If BapDada were to give you a direction to transform your awareness in one second, that is, if you were told to stabilise yourself in the awareness of the soul and not the body, then, would you be able to:1. transform your awareness in one second?2. transform your attitude in one second?3. transform your nature and sanskars in one second?4. transform those who are in connection with you, the soul, in one second?5. transform your fleeting thoughts in one second, from wasteful to powerful?6. change the speed of your effort from ordinary to intense in one second?7. go beyond the corporeal world and make yourself a resident of the incorporeal world, Paramdham, in one second?
This is known as the power of transformation. At the confluence age, the play is of transformation. Just as you checkall the other powers within yourself, in the same way, do you also check to what extent you have the power oftransformation in all these aspects? To experience obstacles in your effort means to lack the power of transformation.
The basis of all attainments is the power to transform. Because of not being able to transform yourself, you are notable to reach the elevated aim that you have for yourself. Because of not having the power to transform, even whilstwanting something, whilst adopting the means for that, whilst having the right company, whilst following thedisciplines according to your capacity, and even whilst calling yourself a Brahmin, you are not content with yourself.Just the power of transformation alone becomes the means for coming close to the Almighty Authority Father and allthe elevated souls. If you do not have the power of transformation, you will constantly experience yourself to bestanding aside and deprived of all attainments. You will then experience yourself to be one who sees and hearseverything from a distance. You will remain thirsty for the experience of love, cooperation and power. Theexpansion of many types of desires, hopes and wishes will constantly appear in front of you like storms. Because ofthese storms, the destination of attainment will constantly seem far away.
Today, BapDada saw the scene of such world transformers. In the corporeal world, you constantly keep hearingabout calamities caused by water. Whilst hearing about them, do you experience pleasure or mercy? Or is there alsofear? What do you feel? Do you sometimes feel fear and sometimes mercy? Do the Pandavs feel afraid? Do youfeel mercy or do you experience pleasure? There shouldn't be any fear. At that time, to even have the awareness thatyou are female is wrong. You must never consider yourself to be alone. You should always maintain the awarenessof your combined form of a Shiv Shakti. With the stage of the combined form, you are not just a Shakti, but a ShivShakti. When someone sees two together, he is hesitant in attacking them. In the same way, the combined stagewould influence nature or the person at that time, that is, they would hesitate in attacking you in any way.
Not just a person, but even the elements of nature would hesitate, that is, even the elements would not be able toattack you. You would be protected when you are even just one step away. Even though they would have weapons,even though they have the power of their weapons, they would become weak. However, at that time, you have to usethe power of transformation, with the awareness that you are not alone, that you are not a female, but that you are aShiv Shakti in the combined form. You need the power of transformation for this, do you not, so that you are able totransform the person or nature with your powerful awareness and attitude? At present, these are just the papers of thesecond or third year, of the second or third class. The form of the final paper will be many times more fearsome thanthis. What will you do then? Many of you have some thoughts. About what? Many say with such love and a right:Call me before this scene, so that I can see all this from the subtle region. However, the practical part of being anembodiment of power (shaktiform), the part of the revelation of the incarnation of the Shaktis and the part ofrevealing the Almighty Authority Father through yourselves is to take place in such circumstances. Therefore, inorder to be able to see such scenes and hear the drums of untimely death, increase the power of transformation withinyou. Bring about transformation in one second, because the entire play is based on just one second.
At such a time, on the one hand, you should be able to remember the lesson of "nothing new" through which youexperience the stage of experiencing benefit no matter what happens. That is, you should have the stage of being adetached observer so that whilst seeing all these scenes, you would experience pleasure. As well as this you wouldalso have the stage of being world benefactors and feel mercy. There has to be the balance of the two. There shouldbe the stage of being a detached observer as well as a world transformer. Do you understand? This was the news ofthe corporeal world. What happened about the news of the subtle region? You were told earlier that because youlack the power of transformation, the storms of many desires could be seen; the majority of children were visible inthis scene, numberwise. What call could be heard from them? That of: I wish to do something. Why does it nothappen? This should happen, but it is not happening even though I make a lot of effort. Such types of soundemerging from the mind were heard from them. Therefore, the means for coming out of this storm is to increase thepower of transformation and you will be able to attain the practical fruit. Always have the awareness that you are aworld transformer cooperating with the Father. I am a world transformer. My duty is to bring about transformation,that is, I have attained this Brahmin birth for this task. So continue to move along whilst keeping your original task inyour awareness. Achcha.
To the cooperative souls who create every thought and remain with the Father at every second; to the souls whotransform nature, circumstances and people; to those who are constantly equal to the Father; to those who stabilisethemselves in the awareness of being master almighty authorities; to those who constantly have benevolent feelingsfor the self and for others; to the world benefactor and world transformer souls, BapDada's love, remembrance andnamaste.
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